Георгин, jiřina, Dahlia, Dahlie, dalia, dália, ดอกรักเร่
26.03.2014, 13:42
Регистрация: 14.08.2013
Сообщений: 1,101
Огромная благодарность Автору Kaye Hartman за Мастер-класс
Gumpaste #24 or #26 floral wire
Edible glue
Long-nosed pliers
4mm or #3 round piping tip
Small daisy cutter
Small ball tool
Dresden tool
Make a ball of green gumpaste the size of a macadamia nut or use a measuring ruler to make uniform balls
Use #24 or #26 floral wire and bend an open hook using a long-nosed plier.
Brush a small amount of edible glue on the floral wire and insert the hooked wire into the center of the ball about halfway through.
Indent a small circle in the middle of the ball using a 4mm or #3 round piping tip.
Poke holes around the circle using a needle tool and let dry for at least a couple of hours.
Using a small daisy cutter, cut a set of petals and detach each from the
Use a small ball tool to thin and elongate each of the detached daisy petals.
Run a dresden tool through the center of each petal to make an indentation and curl the petals inward
Brush a small amount of edible glue on the petals and attach around the center of the flower.
This is how the first layer of small petals should look.
Последний раз редактировалось Arianchik; 26.03.2014 в 14:17.
26.03.2014, 13:46
Регистрация: 14.08.2013
Сообщений: 1,101
Repeat steps 6 through 9 for the second layer of green petals.
Using the smallest Dahlia cutter from the Petal Crafts' set, cut half petals, thin with a ball tool and roll tightly.
Make 12to 14 of these petals.
Brush a small amount of edible glue on each petal, enough to make it tacky. Attach each petal around the green center making sure they are spaced evenly.
Cut another set of petals using the same size cutter and repeat the procedure as with the first layer of white petals, only this time, don't roll the petals too tight.
Make 12 to 14 of these petals and attach it between the first layer of petals as shown.
Cut half a petal using the medium sized cutter from the Petal Crafts' Dahlia cutter set and place between the silicone veiner in the set.
Use a dresden tool to make an indentation on the center tip of each petal.
Attach enough petals to make the flower look full and rounded.
Cut more half-petals using the largest cutter in the set. Brush some edible glue on one side of the bottom half of the petal and fold. Make about 18 to 20 of these petals and attach them around the flower slightly taller than the 3rd layer of petals. Repeat this procedure depending on how big you want your flower to be.
Dust the tips of the petals with pink passion compressed dust or loose dust depending on your color preference and the center with Green Apple.
Последний раз редактировалось Arianchik; 26.03.2014 в 14:18.
26.03.2014, 14:00
Регистрация: 14.08.2013
Сообщений: 1,101
16.12.2014, 19:14
Регистрация: 02.12.2014
Сообщений: 396
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