Рождественская елочка из Королевской глазури -How to Make Royal Icing Christmas trees

20.10.2011, 11:01
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Рождественская елочка из Королевской глазури -How to Make Royal Icing Christmas trees

04.03.2012, 12:07
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
Сообщений: 7,940
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Christmas Trees Made with Royal Icing
As with the home-made bread dough wreaths, the beauty about this project is its versatility. Once your royal icing templates are created and put together, you can decorate these icing trees in any manner that your imagination can come up with. As for the royal icing trees themselves, you can make them using a basic design templates or you can create more detailed ones. It’s all up to you. In this post, I’m going to give you a tutorial on how to make the tree shown below. However, you can also make simple triangular ones like these. Or you can make one like this. Or this one, decorated with tiny multi-colored chocolate balls. See…the options are plentiful but whatever you choose to make, know that they are fun to do and they do make for a cute little Christmas decoration. Oh, and they take a mere fraction of the time to finish than the bread wreaths do! So, here’s how to make a royal icing Christmas tree like this. Step One: Print out a full sheet of 1/2″ graph paper and draw a Christmas tree pattern as shown below. Prepare a batch of royal icing to piping consistency and fill your icing bag with it, complete with a #3 tip. Place your graph paper under a sheet of waxed paper and trace the outline of the tree with royal icing. Step Two: Begin filling in the pattern piping your horizontal lines first. Follow with your vertical lines. Then pipe the first half of your “X” pattern. Now complete the other half of your *X’s* and retrace the outline of the tree just once more with the icing. Repeat this twice as you will need three of these tree sections to complete your tree. Let all sections dry overnight. Use the wait time to create your decorations. I just piped rows of little drops of royal icing on a sheet of waxed paper and sprinkled them with red and green sugar while they were still wet. I made about 100 of them and used most of them. Let these dry overnight too. You can also make your star for the tree top at this time too. I didn’t take pictures of that process (sorry) but basically you just trace a star on a sheet of paper, cover it with waxed paper and then pipe the outline with royal icing and fill it in. While the icing is still damp, add silver dragees all around the edge of the star with tweezers. When this side is completely dry, remove the star from the waxed paper and flood the back of it, adding silver dragees around the edges. Next day, remove your tree sections from the waxed paper by peeling the paper away from the trees. Support each section and join the backs of each as your pipe them together with royal icing. Once the royal icing has dried the sections together, it is time to start adding your decorations. First I added royal icing dots to the outside edges of all the branches. Then I attached all the red and green decorations by applying a dab of royal icing to the tree and lightly pressing the red and green decorations on top of the dab while still wet. I also used the same technique to attach the silver dragees. Be sure to decorate both sides of each of the three tree sections. Last but not least, attach your star to the tree top with a dab or two of royal icing and hold in place until the icing dries. All done! And it only took three days max to complete, you could actually do these in two days if you wanted to, or a week…it’s all up to you
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