МК Торт "Бейсболка"-Baseball cap Cake tutorial V1

18.12.2012, 18:38
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
Сообщений: 7,940
МК Торт "Бейсболка"-Baseball cap Cake tutorial V1
Огромная благодарность Автору veenaartofcakes за Мастер-класс

As always I took progress pictures for my blog.
First make the cap brim. This was very easy. I used my husband’s cap to make the template and then cut out a piece of gum paste exactly to the size of the template.

I place the same parchment paper template below the gum paste brim I made and placed it on the cap brim to dry. This way it got the natural shape of the brim. Don’t forget to make the stitch lines.

Next prepare the cake. You can use a ball pan. I used my doll pan – just baked a more shallow cake.

This is a six inch cake – Chocolate cake – Delicious on it’s own from my blog. I made the lazy version and I must say I am addicted to that cake. I can never stop eating it.. and of course Chocolate Ganache and homemade sugar paste/fondant.
Make sure your cake is not too tall. this is just two layers. If you need more cake, bake another cake to serve on the side.
Once you cover the cake with Ganache or Buttercream. Divide the cake into six like so.

Now use a small spoon or spatula to make these small gashes or dents..

Smooth them with your fingers.

At the back of the cake you need to hollow out a small portion with a cookie cutter or spoon.
I forgot to click a picture of it. so just showing a later picture now.

Next, cover your cake with fondant.

Smooth the fondant in to those gashes or dents you created.
Use the stitch tool to make the stitch lines.

Use your piping nozzle to make these circles on the cap.
Don’t forget the back..
Your almost done..

Place the caps brim with the helps of edible glue. Use a support until it’s attached. I use the cap as a template again to cut out the New York Yankees logo.

Here you can see the cake and my husband’s cap besides each other.

And that’s all there is to it..
Here’s the cut cake.
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