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МК лепка Элмо -Gumpaste (fondant, polymer clay) Elmo figurine making tutorials

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Старый 02.05.2012, 09:49
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
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По умолчанию МК лепка Элмо -Gumpaste (fondant, polymer clay) Elmo figurine making tutorials

Огромная благодарность cakesbyraewyn за Мастер-класс
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Старый 02.05.2012, 10:19
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
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Огромная благодарность artofdessert за Мастер-класс
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Старый 20.04.2013, 21:23
Регистрация: 05.03.2013
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Огромная благодарность Автору cicciocakes за Мастер-класс

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Made from modelling chocolate & a pair of small scissors
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you’ll need blue modelling Chocolate in NZ I prefer Chocolate Earth brand as mall ammount of white & a tiny amount of black (you can use fondant for white & black if easier), small ammount of pale tan & brown modelling chocolate (or fandant) small pair of Scizzors, ball tool, cake dummy & a knife
(optional rubber ended brush)
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you’ll need roughly these dimensions for the body/head/arms & legs
Roll a cone shape for the body then ben a little to make him look like he has a belly
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Sit the main body on the edge of the cake dummy (I’ve covered dummy in wax paper)
Then using small scissors snip at the modelling chocolate making small cuts, then using your finger gently press raised cuts back onto the body to give the impression of fur, do this to the entire body
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To make the legs roll out modelling chocolate cut in the middle at an angle, squeeze the ends of the legs into feet & using a knife make 3 cuts & spread slightly to create toes
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Place the cut diagonal of the legs under the body I place one over the edge & one straight out to give more character, I then use the rubber ended brush to press the seam where the legs meet the body to give better conection, you could use the end of a brush, then using scissors snip & press the modelling chocolate to create the fur effect leaving the base of the foot smooth
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to make the head roll a ball of modelling chocolate then using a knife cut into ball about 1/3 the way up to create the mouth, then using a small flattened piece of black modelling chocolate insert this into the mouth attaching top & bottom, using a very thin sausage of blue cover where the seam of black & blue meet
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using scissors snip & press the head
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repeat the same rolled log & cut at angle for the arms but this time flatten the end & cut a hand, attach to body with the top of the angled cut to sit just under head, bring one of his hands up to his mouth & press gently to attach
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to make the eyes use a ball tool to create an indent then roll 2 balls of white modelling chocolate (or you can use fondant) and attache into the indents, then add two smaller black dots a weird angles to finish eyes (cookie monster’s eyes are never straight)
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to make the cookies roll small balls of pale tan modelling chocolate then flatten top with tiny balls of brown modelling chocolate & flatten & allow to set, put a couple in his hands, then break one & put broken bits into his mouth & on his hands
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Размер: 47.0 Кб
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