Cake Decorating Tutorials  (How To's) Tortas Paso a Paso

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Букет "Троллиусы, Хоста (Функия), Пшеница" -Trollius, Hosta (Funkia),Poppy Seed Head, Wheat

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Старый 28.05.2012, 11:52
Регистрация: 07.09.2010
Сообщений: 7,940
По умолчанию Букет "Троллиусы, Хоста (Функия), Пшеница" -Trollius, Hosta (Funkia),Poppy Seed Head, Wheat

Огромная благодарность Sheryl Bramley за Мастер-класс

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Размер: 144.4 Кб

You will need
flower paste
paste colour melon, green, cream (Sugarflair)
wires white, 20, 24, 28, 30 gauge
edible glue
tape white, third-width nile green
glaze 50:50
vegetable fat
stamens small white
dusts lemon, egg yellow, moss, cream, nutkin, dee
purple, aubergine (Sugarflair)
dusts wisteria, kiwi (EdAble Art)
dresden tool (JEM)
ball tool
wheel tool
frilling tool (JEM)
cel stick (CelCakes)
cranked tweezers
celpad (CelCakes)
non-stick board
non-stick rolling pin large
paintbrush chisel '/2in
craft knife
petal templates for the globe flower
large daisy set - use the 3 largest (FMM)
6 petal cutters N5 (Orchard Products)
8 petal daisy cutter DY5 (Orchard Products)
hosta leaf veiner (Great Impressions)
viburnham leaf veiner (Sugar City)
ripple foam

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1 Thread a large ball approximately 12mm ('/2in) wide of yellow paste onto a hooked 20g wire. Mark lines lengthways with a craft knife or wheel tool to represent the stamens. Leave to dry.

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2Cut out a daisy shape in yellow paste with the second or third sized cutters. Use a cel stick to broaden each petal. Divide each petal four to five times with a craft knife. Thread the shape onto the wire and close the petals around the centre.

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3Repeat step 2 but do not close up the stamens as much. Whilst damp, dust with lemon and add a touch of kiwi in the centre at the top.

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4Cut out a shape using the largest daisy cutter. Use a diagonal cut to divide each petal and remove one half. Whilst damp, dust both sides with lemon. On the right side mark a central vein from the flower centre to the petal tip with a dresden tool.

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5Glue the centre of the petal shape only and thread it on to the dry centre. Hang the flower upside down. Whilst still damp gentle push upwards on the petal tips, repeat until a slightly rounded shape is achieved. Take great care as they break very easily.

I used the edge of my palette knife to cut the petal.
When cutting the ends off stamens, cut them with enough thread so they can be used another time for other flowers.
You will need about nine smaller ears of corn for the top and four slender ones for the base.

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6Roll out yellow paste with a ridge, roll part of the ridge away. Thread a 28g wire into the ridge and cut out a petal with the templates. Vein each petal slightly using a frilling stick and soften the edges. Leave to dry slightly cupped. Make 9 -10.

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7Dust with lemon and lightly dust again using egg yellow. Dust half of the petals on the back with a little aubergine as shown. Tape the petals around the centre in two layers.

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8Roll out cream paste but not too thinly and cut out a daisy shape with DY5. Use cranked tweezers to make a ridge lengthways in the centre of each petal and leave to dry slightly before modelling the seed head.

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9 Roll cream paste into a short cone. Carefully heat the end of a hooked 20g wire in a gas or candle flame until it glows white. Push the wire into the base of the cone and reshape it.
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10 PIace the dry daisy shape on the cone; do not glue it in place yet. Use the daisy petals to help you divide the cone equally into eight. Make a small hole with the tip of a cel stick under each daisy petal then remove the daisy shape.
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11 Use the holes as a guide, indent the paste lengthways with the broad end of a dresden tool. Glue the top of the cone and add the daisy shape so that the petals are above the holes. Do not let the petals of the daisy shape hang down.
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12 Add a small sausage of paste to the base of the seed head. Pinch a ridge around this half way down with tweezers. When dry dust with cream and overdust in places with a little nutkin and moss.

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13 Remove both ends from the white stamens. Roll a small ball of cream paste into a cone and thread the cone onto the stamen thread. Indent the cone with the broad end of a dresden tool. Reshape the top of the cone and leave to dry. Make 41 ears.
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14 Tape one ear of corn to the top of four 26g wires. Tape two pairs of corn slightly below the first ear with the indented side facing the wire. Continue adding pairs of corn so the tips of the lower layer cover the base of above layer. Dust with cream.

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15To make the stamens and pistil add a tiny piece of yellow paste to the end of a 28g wire. Tape six half length stamens to one side of the pistil. Curve them slightly.

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16 Make a mexican hat with white paste and a cel stick. Cut out a shape with the N5 cutter. Open up the throat slightly and vein both sides with a frilling tool. Glue the base of the stamens and add to the flower and pinch the petal tips.
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17 Make a variety of bud sizes. When dry, dust the flowers and buds carefully with a mixture of wisteria and deep purple.

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18 For the bracts.Cut a piece of half width tape 13mm long. Cut one end to a point and vein down the centre. Add to the flower stem and tape in place. Tape a variety of buds to a 24g wire and then add flowers.
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19Place a cream sausage of paste between two green ones. Roll slightly with a large rolling pin then make a ridge. Cut out a leaf shape and thread on to a 24g wire. Vein with a hosta leaf veiner. Dust the edges with kiwi, steam and glaze.

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20 Add tiny pieces of yellow paste to a freshly made leaf. Roll over the leaf again to fix the two colours together. Mark a central vein. When dry dust with moss and remove any stray dust on the yellow areas with a damp paintbrush. Steam and glaze.

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Размер: 14.9 Кб
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